City of Bloomington Invites Residents to Help Identify Housing Priorities

~ Bloomington, IN- The City of Bloomington is currently in the process of developing two important community planning documents as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These documents are crucial for the city to continue receiving funding for affordable housing and community development activities for low- and moderate-income residents.

The first document, known as the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, involves a thorough review of the city's housing and housing-related programs and policies. The goal is to ensure that these programs are administered in a non-discriminatory manner, without regard for a person's race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, familial status or ancestry.

The second document is the Five-Year Consolidated Plan which analyzes housing and homeless needs in Bloomington. This plan will determine the city's priority needs for affordable housing and community development.

To gather public input on these planning processes, the Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) department has scheduled three public meetings from August 20th to September 3rd, 2024. These meetings will be held both in-person and virtually through Zoom. Residents are encouraged to attend these meetings or provide feedback through an online survey if they are unable to attend.

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The public meetings do not have specific topics but are designed as listening sessions to gather input from residents on various issues such as affordable housing, fair housing, neighborhood preservation, services needed for economic self-sufficiency among lower income residents, public infrastructure improvements needed to maintain neighborhoods and commercial areas.

The first meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 20th from 6-7 p.m. at Broadview Learning Center located at 705 W. Coolidge Dr., Bloomington. The second meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 21st from 12-1 p.m. at Downtown Monroe County Public Library Meeting Room B located at 303 E. Kirkwood, Bloomington. The final meeting will be on Tuesday, September 3rd from 6-7 p.m. at Tri-North Middle School located at 1000 W 15th St, Bloomington.

The city encourages all residents to participate in these meetings and have their voices heard on important community planning matters. The meeting link for Zoom is with the ID: 846 2048 9691 and passcode: 747940.

Filed Under: Government, City

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