Bloomington: Free EV Charging Stations at Switchyard Park Updated to Metered Stations

Bloomington, IN ~ Bloomington, IN - The city of Bloomington is making changes to its electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in an effort to better manage and support the growing number of EVs in use at Switchyard Park. The two free charging stations located in the Rogers Street parking lot will be replaced with metered stations, which will now be managed by the Public Works Department's Parking Services Division.

Contractors have already begun removing the existing free charging stations as of April 10th. These stations will be relocated to the Switchyard Park maintenance building, where they will continue to serve the EV fleet at the park. The new metered stations will join other city EV charging options, including those located in the Morton Street, Walnut Street, Trades District, and Fourth Street parking garages.

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According to Jess Goodman, Customer Relations Representative at Parking Services, the cost for using these new metered stations will be .35 per kilowatt-hour (kWh). Each station will also have a support number for any issues that may arise and a QR code for downloading the free EV Connect app for payment management.

The total cost for removing the old free stations and installing them at Switchyard Park maintenance, as well as installing the new metered stations, is estimated at $3,100. This funding comes from Local Income Tax funds designated by the Economic and Sustainable Development Department specifically for sustainability initiatives.

In addition to these changes, Parking Services has also published a guide to EV Charging Etiquette to ensure that all users are aware of proper usage and etiquette when utilizing these charging stations. With these updates in place, Bloomington is taking steps towards a more sustainable future for its community.

Filed Under: Government, City

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